Fierce Love is a wonderful idea, but it only enriches relationships if you actually apply it. There may be many conversations between you and what you desire.
If you can come out from behind yourself and be real, you can change the course of your relationships one conversation at a time.
Love is at the heart of all things fierce.
Money is not the most valuable currency, love is. Relationships and emotional capital is what our human existence depends on. If you can give and receive love, be in the here and now, and be kind and truthful with your words, you will acquire all the love and emotional capital you need to thrive.
Put one foot in front of the other and simply focus on the next conversation you have and see how you can make it a fierce one.
Keep reading to learn three ways you can put fierce love to work for you and your relationships.
While true love is not unconditional, you can practice giving and receiving love with conditions. And it doesn’t have to be only with your partner.
Love comes in many ways and you can start being a part of the flow right now.
The more you de-armour your heart, break down the barriers, and push through the resistances around love, the more love you will invite in.
Our relationships reflect our ability to give and receive love. Our romantic relationships have the opportunity to bloom or wilt given the amount of love we are willing to give out or let in.
Brené Brown says in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, “Until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart.”
Happiness and love are an inside job and reflect our outside circumstances.
Are you practicing love every day? Are you learning to respond, think, and speak kindly? Or are you blocking love from coming in? Are you withholding it or responding negatively to it?
Determining the frequency, quality, and nature of the way you both give and receive love is key to leading a fierce life.
One of the best ways you can apply the idea of fierce love in your life is through giving the gift of your presence.
When you are prepared to be in the moment and nowhere else, you’re giving yourself and those around you the opportunity to grow and connect deeper.
Being in the moment, here and now, listening attentively, and responding compassionately is how you can begin to love fiercely.
If when in a conversation, you are checking your cell phone or mentally planning your daily checklist, you are not choosing to be fierce.
Start listening to how you behave in conversations and become aware of the ways you avoid, hold back, tell little lies, don’t pay attention, or speak without clarity.
When you are totally immersed in the conversation being had, you are allowing for fierce opportunities. When the little voice inside you says, “this is the time to be fierce,” take a deep breath, come out from behind yourself and say something that is true for you.
Commit to being present in at least one conversation a day and watch how your relationships begin to transform.
Every single time we open our mouths, we have a chance to be kind and truthful. If you can focus on these two things in each conversation you have, you will see positive results.
Being receptive to the truth can be an intensely courageous act. However the truth will set you free and if you can see the truth of your relationship with yourself and others with clarity and compassion, you have the power to transform the love in your life.
(Here are 11 great tips for having a more truthful and honest relationship!)
Every single sentence in a conversation has the ability to transform your relationship. Inserting more kindness and truth into the conversation can have beautiful outcomes.
While it can be scary to relax, open your heart, and speak from a place of love, it is necessary if you want to evolve and grow into your fullest potential.
When we can speak from our heart, we have the power to enrich our relationships one conversation at a time.
Through having more meaningful conversations and putting the idea of fierce love to work, you can maintain positive results in your romantic relationship.
It is my hope that you will find the courage within you to dive deep into your relationship with yourself first and then with your partner. It is my wish that your life will resemble who you want to become more and more with each fierce conversation you have.
If you really want to know how to put fierce love into action, buy my book that’s out now!
Fierce Love: Creating a Love that Lasts—One Conversation at a Time will give you a guide to the eight conversations you can have to enrich your relationship and the five myths about love that are sure to derail your relationship. This book will allow you to create the love that you desire in your life and have a fierce love that lasts.
© Copyright Susan Scott. All rights reserved.